4 Reasons why You Should Have Sinkhole Insurance Coverage for Your Orlando Home

It’s certainly not breaking news that sinkholes literally ‘come with the territory’ in the state of Florida these days. In fact, the Southwest Florida Water Management District has labeled sinkholes as “one of the predominant land forms in Florida” putting the phenomenon in the same land class as The Everglades.

Earlier this year, a Hillsborough County, FL man disappeared into a sinkhole that opened up under his bedroom without warning – which is how most sinkholes come to be – fast and with little or no warning, and sometimes right beneath a home.

So let’s talk about why you might want to get sinkhole coverage added to your Florida home insurance policy if you don’t already have it.

Sinkholes form from too much or too little water in the aquifer. Typically, when the limestone under the surface dissolves from too much, or too little, rainfall, the chances of a sinkhole forming are increased. Of course, if you live in Florida, you know there is nearly always too much, or too little, rain.

Sinkholes aren’t limited to small areas of Florida. Sinkholes have occurred in both the southeast and southwest parts of the state – making them a concern for homeowners in Orlando and throughout southern Florida.