3 Tips to Help Manage Your Orlando Home Insurance Premiums

As you well know by now, Orlando home insurance premiums rise over time–it’s simply one of the facts of life, just like rising prices for gas and groceries. However, when left unchecked, additional insurance costs  can become a real burden for the average homeowner. How do you manage to keep your finances in check when you’re balancing rising premiums with home payments, school tuition, and everything else your family needs?

The fact of the matter is, while home insurance premiums may continue to rise, there are a number of ways to keep your own insurance payments in check. Take a look at these three suggestions:

  1. Look into discounts. Most homeowner’s insurance providers offer a number of helpful discounts on your premium for taking measures to make your home safer. Things like installing hurricane shutters, putting on deadbolts, and setting up carbon monoxide detectors can all lead to a noticeably lower premium. Many companies are even starting to reward homeowners for setting up smart home systems.
  2. Bundle it up. Many companies also provide great savings through bundles when you select their company for other insurance plans. Contact your insurance advisor to learn more about what kind of package deals they have going. You may be able to receive a discount when you bundle your home insurance with your car, RV, boat, or motorcycle insurance.
  3. Consider raising your deductible. You probably know that your deductible is the amount you pay toward a claim. Thus, if your home suffers $3,000 in damages after a hurricane and your deductible is $500, your provider may pay up to $2,500 for repairs. Your deductible is inversely related to your premium, meaning that the higher your deductible is, the less you pay for coverage. Consider this option for long-term savings.

When you work with an insurance agency that has your interests in mind, you’ll be able to talk to your agent about reaping extra savings on your homeowner’s insurance plan. With that in mind, you’ll have the power to build a solid financial plan for your whole family. To learn more about getting the most out of your homeowner’s insurance, contact Corkhill Insurance at (407) 898-8891.