4 Lesser-Known Ways to Save on Orlando Car Insurance

Orlando Car insurance is something that is generally required regardless of where you live, and can be one of the biggest month-to-month costs a person has to pay, with premiums reaching $2000 for some people. There are ways to make sure your premiums are as low as possible, and there are some ways which you might not be aware of. Here are some of the lesser-known ways to lower your insurance premiums.

Up-Front and Electronic Payments
Many car insurance companies charge interest, or other fee for paying in monthly installments. The fee may seem minimal being that it is usually only 5 or 10%, but it adds up quick. Paying up front can save you up to $200 a year. Additionally, some insurance companies will offer discounts for online payments because it also saves them money when you pay online.

Membership Discounts
Most insurance companies offer discounts for customers just if they belong to certain groups such as the military, an alumni association, or even certain credit unions.

Insurance Stacking
A discount that many people miss is that when you have different insurance policies through the same provider, there are often discounts to be had. The basis of this is that insurance companies want as much of your business as possible, so if they can offer you a discount for having multiple policies with them, it benefits everybody.

Defensive Driving Course Discounts
This option is available to many drivers in the form of either a driver’s education course, or a defensive driver course. The driver’s education course discount requires that the driver be under 21 years of age, and has to be a qualified course. The discount given often depends on the insurance policy, for higher cost, full coverage plans, it can be up to %20, but for lower cost policies it is usually around 5-10%.